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Visual C++에서 CVS에 올려야 할 것과 올리지 말아야 할것

by 제이콥케이 2008. 4. 23.
You can add binary files to your Visual C++ project. They will appear in the Project Workspace Pane and Visual C++ will attempt to add them to source-code control. In some cases, this is desirable (for instance, bitmaps) and in other cases, this is not desirable (for instance, import libraries).

Following is a (non-exhaustive) list of file extensions for files that should be added to source-code control under normal circumstances:
   .mak, .dsp, .c, .rc, .rc2, .ico, .bmp, .txt, .def, .hpj, .bat, .rtf,
   .odl, .inf, .reg, .cnt, .cpp, .cxx, .h, .hpp, .hxx, .inl, .tpl, .vtp,
   and .mst.
Usually, these files cannot be easily regenerated. There are issues that need to be considered when sharing a makefile through source-code control. These issues are discussed in the Visual C++ Online documentation. Please see the REFERENCES section below.

Following is a (non-exhaustive) list of file extensions for files that should not be added to source-code control under normal circumstances :
    .pch, .mdp, .ncb, .clw, .obj, .exe, .aps, .cpl, .awk, .exp, .lib, .idb,
   .opt, .pdb, .map, .res, .ilk, .scc, .bsc, .sbr, .dll, and .tlb.

Usually, these files are automatically regenerated by Visual C++ in opening, editing, and building the project.


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