printf() 출력 형식 지정자 예제..
/* PRINTF.C: This program uses the printf and wprintf functions
* to produce formatted output.
#include <stdio.h>
void main( void )
char ch = 'h', *string = "computer";
int count = -9234;
double fp = 251.7366;
wchar_t wch = L'w', *wstring = L"Unicode";
/* Display integers. */
printf( "Integer formats:\n"
"\tDecimal: %d Justified: %.6d Unsigned: %u\n",
count, count, count, count );
printf( "Decimal %d as:\n\tHex: %Xh C hex: 0x%x Octal: %o\n",
count, count, count, count );
/* Display in different radixes. */
printf( "Digits 10 equal:\n\tHex: %i Octal: %i Decimal: %i\n",
0x10, 010, 10 );
/* Display characters. */
printf("Characters in field (1):\n%10c%5hc%5C%5lc\n", ch, ch, wch, wch);
wprintf(L"Characters in field (2):\n%10C%5hc%5c%5lc\n", ch, ch, wch, wch);
/* Display strings. */
printf("Strings in field (1):\n%25s\n%25.4hs\n\t%S%25.3ls\n",
string, string, wstring, wstring);
wprintf(L"Strings in field (2):\n%25S\n%25.4hs\n\t%s%25.3ls\n",
string, string, wstring, wstring);
/* Display real numbers. */
printf( "Real numbers:\n\t%f %.2f %e %E\n", fp, fp, fp, fp );
/* Display pointer. */
printf( "\nAddress as:\t%p\n", &count);
/* Count characters printed. */
printf( "\nDisplay to here:\n" );
printf( "1234567890123456%n78901234567890\n", &count );
printf( "\tNumber displayed: %d\n\n", count );
Integer formats:
Decimal: -9234 Justified: -009234 Unsigned: 4294958062
Decimal -9234 as:
Hex: FFFFDBEEh C hex: 0xffffdbee Octal: 37777755756
Digits 10 equal:
Hex: 16 Octal: 8 Decimal: 10
Characters in field (1):
h h w w
Characters in field (2):
h h w w
Strings in field (1):
Unicode Uni
Strings in field (2):
Unicode Uni
Real numbers:
251.736600 251.74 2.517366e+002 2.517366E+002
Address as: 0012FFAC
Display to here:
Number displayed: 16
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